Thursday, January 14, 2010

Upddate: I'm Mad as HELL!

Well guess what! If' you've got a burial plat, casket, etc.  they count these items as assets now!  So I guess we're not allowed to prepare for our deaths in advance so that our families have one less item to worry about.  now explain to me why should this be counted as an asset? 

One more way our government limits what we as a people can have, Social Security only gives our family $255.00 in death benefits.  I guess we're just supposed to buried under a tree in the back yard, like we bury our pets.  In today's market you certainly can't afford to purchase a burial plot, nor a casket, nor the expense of being prepared for burial any other way with only $255.00. 

In this new Health Care Reform Bill they made sure that we don't have to count our guns as an asset in determining our eligibility, but to HELL with us doing any thing to prepare for our death, we all die some time so why is it more important to protect the rights of gun owners (which is an instrument of death) and not the right to have preparations in place for when we do eventually die?  Is that fair?  I think not.

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