Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I'm mad as HELL and I'm not going to take it anymore!

Well any of you remember the movie Network, and the scene where everyone started shouting out their windows "I'm Mad as Hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!"  Well that's me these days.. 

Here's why..

1.  I'm on Social Security Disability and I receive $751.00 before Medicare Part B premium and Part D premium.. Which are $97 and $30 each which leaves me with $624 per month to pay for rent, heat, utilities, food, and medical expenses. So how am I supposed afford to pay for a place to live, heat, utilities, food, public transportation and medical expenses with only 624.00  Here's how...
       a. Share an apartment with my 81 year old mother, who is also on a fixed income.
       b. Share the cost of all expenses, except medical. 
       c. Apply for assistance.
2.  Here's what's happened..
      a.  Mom & my combined income (before deductions equals 149% of FPL) or $1861.00 (seperately I am at 87% of FPL and mom's at 101% of FPL, figure that one out)
      b.  We are eligible for $9 in Food Stamps, I am not eligible for Medicaid or assistance for paying my part B premiums,  I've received notice from CMS that I'm 100% eligible for Extra Help on the Part D premium, but I'm still paying 30.00 per month for that. I'm stuck with these costs for the next 12
months.  ..

 Now here's how they've figured our food stamp eligibility..
Standard deduction of 132.00
Housing expense of 535.00
Utilities expense of 98.00
Medical expense  93.00 ( not including my mother's expenses at all, nor all of my expenses)
Plus made the decision that I was overpaid in September, (however I was still living with friends, and my income hadn't changed and my mother and I were not living together at that time, so my status between August and September were the same)  I didn't receive any FS in October, November, nor December, so how had I been over paid, since I was eligible for all 3 of those months. Hence I shouldn't be in the red so to speak. 

Our DHS Caseworkers are becoming more and more difficult to contact, if I want a response from mine I usually have to send a cc: to Gov. Granholm, or one of my state representatives then I'll get a response quickly.  I never get a response otherwise.

I am confused as to how they calculate their data,  I think it's out of date big time..

Write to our congressmen, senators, both state and federal so that they are aware what these employees are doing to those in need. 

I'm also tired of those complaining about those of us who are low income.  I worked for 30+ years before I became disabled, before you make comments about others, walk a mile in their shoes.  Our companies are the ones, that have created much of this economic mess, by laying off employees, closing plants, etc.

We need to get our priorities straight again.

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