Tuesday, December 15, 2009

One solution to Health Care Reform

The common man's solution to Health Care Reform.
1. Remove the cap from the payroll tax (FICA/Medicare) so all those employed pay into SS throughout their earnings rather than only up to $97K. Why should those making more than $97K get a free ride after that?

2. Change eligibility standards for Medicaid so that more low income workers can receive it, not free but pay a premium based on a sliding scale. Michigan's full eligibility is at 46% of FPL, then those above 46% have a deductible that they pay to health care providers, why pay this to the provider, why not have them pay a premium into the Medicaid Program instead? This would aid in refunding Medicaid at the State Level. Also, State's are allowed to operate Medicaid as they see fit, there is no standard.

3. Expand Medicare to those 55+ if they choose to opt-into it..

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