Sunday, July 24, 2011

Watch Huckabee on Fox and almost gagged!

Representative Michelle Bachman is a real uncaring BITCH!  As I watched her interview with Gov. Huckabee, she stated she had a plan without increasing the debt ceiling, they don't have to go into default, just pay the interest on the debt, they have enough coming in to do that, and then set priorities for other payments.

So what would her priorities be?  Hmmm... let's see now, you can be sure she'd be sure that all of the congressional members got their salaries & paid for their health care benefits, she'd probably be ok with making payment to our soldiers, but probably Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, WIC, Unemployment & Food Stamps wouldn't go out.  But those tax subsidies most certainly would.  (She has to make sure her business gets it's fair share doesn't she?)

To all of you who are so angry about our current situation, you have only yourselves to blame, you allowed George Bush to be placed into the presidential seat without the popular vote and let our Supreme Court to decide that Florida couldn't count all of the ballots to verify.  We probably would have had Al Gore and he would have continued many of Clinton's policies like the balanced budget agreement, the paygo rule, and we probably wouldn't have gone into 2 wars, we might have been in Afghanistan but I'm sure we wouldn't have ventured into Iraq right now.

Also, we may have been out of Afghanistan by now, since we wouldn't have been trying to stretch our military too far.  So when you scream and holler about what's going on.

The GOP is on a vendetta against the elderly, the poor and the disadvantaged, they don't care about the average american whatsoever.  They've brainwashed you to believe that cutting taxes to corporations and the wealthiest, the rich are not "job creators" they don't need to create jobs anymore they've created their wealth and they can find cheaper labor overseas.

My current solution to the debt problem.  First get rid of each and every tax credit, tax subsidy and deduction.
Second set the tax rate at 20% flat, then offer all individual tax returns a deduction based on the Federal Poverty Level, in other words the FPL for their family size is deducted right off the top, then they pay taxes on the balance at 20%.  For corporations, they can receive a 5% research and development deduction and then they pay 20% on balance of all profits.

Take the cap off of Social Security entirely so everyone pays into it for their entire income and offer Medicare as a public option in lieu of a private insurance company for those who so choose.  Allow young families the opportunity to buy into Medicaid by paying a monthly premium.  Set it up similar to an HMO and start bartering for lower priced drugs through Medicare and Medicaid.

If you want to repeal the Health Care Reform Bill then find a solution that provides health care opportunities for all.  Get Tort Reform, we need fewer lawyers and more doctors, nurses.

Cut your own salaries, increase your share of the health care benefit by 25%, invest in our infrastructure, get our roads, bridges and power grids modernized.  Sell of some of your vacant buildings, now if any of you disagree with these ideas, explain to me why and which ones and what you would do instead.

How are you going to protect the children and families that rely on WIC, Medicaid, and the elderly and disabled who rely on their fixed incomes and Medicare to survive.

Are you going to let us have our Social Security Check on the 3rd of August?  Or are you going to default on the millions of Americans who's only means of survival is that monthly check and let them lose their home, their transportation and their ability to eat?

It looks that way to me.  I see a group of congressmen who just don't get it.  They think that if you stand your ground the other side will cave.  I guess go ahead do what you want to do hurt the poor, the elderly, and place more in the streets.  Then explain to the world how you can justify your political genocide of the poor, the elderly and the disadvantaged.  "We just fall through the cracks"  We're just not rich enough for you to care about any of us out here struggling to keep a roof over our heads, a meal on our table or the medication we need to survive.

Feed your wealthy fat cats and walk to the bank.  You'll see Saint Peter at the gates of heaven and I know God will remember what you've done.

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