With it's current amendment introduced in House Bill 4306 forcing our public school systems to "contract out" all food, custodial and transportation services by June 30, 2012. That in a nutshell means that here in Springport our community will no longer be in charge of our public school's service programs. Instead these services will be managed by "Private Companies" question is what quality of service would we receive for these services from a private company? Which private company would service us? How many jobs would be lost? What will happen to our buses? Our school cafeterias? How clean will the schools be?
Why is it that our State Representatives think that getting private companies to provide these services is better than our school providing these services, they've provided for as long as I can remember (at least since I was in school in the '60s).
Representative Shirkey and Senator Nofs are both for this bill! While this policy may be ok for the bigger urban areas, this could be too costly for us here in Springport, our area is way too rural for any contracting out of these services. Now when will these government officials truly get some common sense? What happened to allowing our local governments to control how they manage their public school system should be left locally, not part of a rule or law set by the State.
Also, what happened to the "Lottery" funds that were supposed to be used to help fund our school systems? Where is that money going? Instead of punishing the service workers by forcing contract bidding of their jobs, let's start getting those companies that are providing products to our schools to stop overcharging us!
Also, Rep. Shirkey and Senator Nofs, start looking at your own budget and see where there's waste in your own backyard, who isn't pulling his weight in your own office? How much paper are you buying to print nonsense to flaunt in your debates on the floor? Reign in spending in your own house before you go after the communities you are supposed to represent.
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