I've been hearing some skuttle-butt that Albion High School is planning on closing on the 1st of November and their students will start being transported to 3 Jackson County School systems who have offered to accept them. Which includes Springport High School the other two schools I've been told are included in this process are Concord and Hanover-Horton. My questions are why are Jackson County Schools accepting Students from a Calhoun County School, why aren't Calhoun County Schools accepting them, why is Albion closing it's High School in the first place? What effect will it have on our own school system? Springport is a school full of farm kids and small town values, while Albion is considered a "little Detroit" full of drugs, violence, and gangs.
Bringing those into a small town school could cause unexpected consequences, increased crime, violence and drug activity here in our school. While I haven't received any response from our School, Village Council or our Township Board, neither a yes or a no response, it makes one wonder whether they are aware of the potential consequences and are waiting until it's too late to tell the community, or this is just a temporary move so that Albion can do some much needed upgrades to the H.S.
Personally, I think we should as residents of Springport, be told what is going on. This should have been put to a vote by the community and not just accepted by our school board without consultation from the community. I see trouble brewing, if this happens without input from the community. Local law enforcement better be prepared for some violence, Albion and Springport kids have never been able to get along. We're asking for trouble. If anyone knows the truth, please let us know instead of leaving us in the dark.
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