Just got the report for the MRI I had last week and it doesn't sound to promising, for one I have Prominent Empty Sella Syndrome, what's that you ask? Well, what I have found out so far is that it's a condition of the Sella Turcica "turkish saddle" surrounding the pituitary gland in which CSF (Cerebro Spinal Fluid) has entered the cavity and either a: flattened the pituitary gland or b: the pituitary gland is absent, causing hypopituitarism which in turn can cause other endocrine problems, however, it is not life-threatening in and of itself, but it can cause other life-threatening problems, I guess.
Next observation was a 6mm round white signal adjacent to the right ventricle wall best seen in axial image 15, and coronal image 14, but unseen in the weighted images, that did not diffuse. Okay, so now what does weighted image mean, and what does it mean when "it did not diffuse" mean? Does weighted mean with or without contrast or what? Now for the impression for this part of the report.